
  • “Lauren has been a trusted friend and co-laborer in the Gospel for years. She intercedes with a spiritual intensity and influence that is truly a gift of grace at work in and through her life. There are people who just know how to make war in the heavenlies. Lauren is one of those people and however your path has crossed with hers it is surely no accident, lean in and see what blessing heaven brings to you both!”

    Ryan Britt, Executive Ministries Pastor, The Church of Eleven22


  • “Lauren is my dear friend with a heart that runs after God with radical obedience. She has faithfully stewarded her call to intercede for NE Florida and to embrace the Huguenot legacy of seeing an “abiding place” for the Lord established there. Further, she carries the Father’s heart for First Nations people and has supported both Israel and Native Americans in many prayer initiatives. Lauren has a gift of connection as well, serving local, regional, and national prayer ministries. I trust her, more importantly, the Lord trusts her with His heart.”

    Deborah Barnes, Director of Global Prayer, GO TO NATIONS


  • “I have been honored to know Lauren Main for over 10 years. I distinctly remember her being touched by the Lord and seeing her whole life change. She was set on fire and has never looked back. What a privilege it has been to watch her grow and transform into the powerful woman she is today. She walks in humility and integrity and is a person of unimpeachable character. I have seen many touched by God over the years, but not all have stayed true to their walk and calling. Not all have overcome and continued forward. Lauren has refused to back down, no matter the adversity she faced or obstacles that came across her path. I am proud to call her my sister and friend.”

    Ed Perez, Prophetic Voice to the Nations | MSU Special Forces Graduate Former Instructor, School of the Prophets


  • “Lauren Main is an exceptional kingdom leader whom I've known since 2018 and now consider a dear friend and comrade. We had the opportunity to serve on a high-caliber weekly prayer team together (which I led) for two years. Through that experience and more, I was able to see Lauren's passionate heart for King Jesus and His kingdom--and her excellent leadership. Lauren’s character is exemplary, and I have found her to be trustworthy, able to maintain confidentiality, honoring and honorable. She is very prophetic and apostolic, and I have seen her flowing in both realms in my own experiences with her and with other leaders. She hears the voice of God clearly and she knows how to steward and build what the Lord shows her--in concert with other believers, releasing the apostolic. Lauren is a continual source of genuine encouragement to those around her – one dimension of the gift of prophecy that she flows in powerfully…”

    Lori Perz, Director of Prophetic Ministries, Josiah Center


  • “Lauren Main’s second meeting with Arabella was in 2017 at Jacksonville Beach where she came prepared with Shofar in hand ready to contend for unity to rise in her region. She has been an unfailing friend, in her faithfulness to encourage and support us in the Lord. Her fragrant prayers unto Abba Father are without ceasing and through many years, they have covered us and other intercessors within her circle and beyond. We appreciate Lauren's faithful service to her family as well as the Family of God - always ready to serve and give sacrificially of herself to others. She is known throughout Florida for her loyalty and her unquestionable integrity. Her good works follow her. The Body of Christ is much enriched by Lauren's giftings - advancing God's Kingdom on earth. She has attended many Rise-Up and Intercession City gatherings ...often lodging in our home. Without any reservation, we give Lauren our highest approval and endorsement.”

    Apostles Wesley & Arabella Weaver, Rise-Up ONE UNITED VOICE | Intercession City Lives Again
